Atari is 50! How about a Star Wars Easter Egg?

Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the creation of the Atari Brand, by founders Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney. Rather than write some opus piece about the company’s history, much of which is already well-documented (and I’ll bet you can find hundreds of those littered across the web in the coming days anyway), I thought…

A hole in the Atari Battlezone story

An interesting piece of arcade minutia to share this week. Atari’s upright Battlezone cabinet is an imposing beast. Standing at just over 6 feet tall, the machine towers over the player and most of its contemporaries. Although shared by Atari title Red Baron, the cabinet design is instantly recognizable by its sheer size and bright…

Tomcat: Atari’s Lost Vector Game

With a total roster of thirteen vector releases, Atari were undoubtedly the kings of wire-frame arcade games. It all began with Lunar Lander and then Asteroids. Released in 1979, these two games heralded the company’s innovative intent, and arguably began the Golden Age of videogames. Whereas traditional raster arcade monitors house an electron gun that…