Classic Arcade Gaming Quiz: 2020 Edition


If you’re a regular Arcade Blogger reader, you might recall that back in November 2019, I made my annual trip to The Free Play Florida event in Orlando – read my review of this excellent event here.

Each year, I am asked to get involved with the event organisation in some way. Myself and colleague Paul Drury decided to host another quiz, where two teams could pit their wits against each other and answer questions relating to the Golden Age of Classic Arcade Gaming.

The previous year’s quiz was well received, and this time around we were able to mix things up a little by adding interactive rounds, and even got the audience involved.

The quiz was a great success! We delivered it in a very informal and irreverent style, and managed to keep a lid on the chaos for the most part. We wanted something that was fun for everyone involved, and to give those people in the audience a chance to not only paticipate, but also perhaps learn something along the way too.

So this week I thought I’d share a couple of things: The slides for the quiz itself that were used to pose the questions on the day, so that you guys can have a go at testing your own knowledge of Classic Arcade Gaming. And then further down this page is the video of the quiz itself – if you don’t fancy challenging yourself, jump straight to that and have a watch.

So here are the questions. You might want to make them full screen in your browser – click the box bottom right of the frame to do this. Note I’ve had to remove some of the rounds, as they were physical, or involved the playing of sounds. Simply navigate using the arrows at the base of the frame, or you can just click on the image to get to the next slide. In each case, one slide will have the question, screenshot or artwork, and the next will give you the answer:

If you manage to keep a running score, let us know in the comments below how you got on. Your score will be out of a total of 49.

But if that feels like too much hard work, just sit back and check out how our panellists got on below:

Many thanks to the two teams who were great sports and delivered a few laughs along the way: Walter Day, Nathan Barnatt, Warren Davis, Jeff Lee, Jenn May and Billy Mitchell.

Watching back, I’ve noticed a couple of factual errors made (mostly by me) – see if you can spot them!

Feedback on the day was very positive and we plan to roll this format out further in future.

Have fun – let me know your scores in the comments below!

See you next time.


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4 Comments Add yours

  1. Aram says:

    7 right. Tough quiz

    Liked by 1 person

  2. arcadelover says:

    A quiz is a brillant idea to keep everyone surprised with fun facts about retrogaming !


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