The TDE Podcast Ep 29: Atari’s Franz Lanzinger


Episode 29 of the Ted Dabney Experience podcast is available now for your listening pleasure!

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Episode 29 of the Ted Dabney Experience. Click the image to listen in!

Franz Lanzinger programmed the singular Crystal Castles for Atari, Inc. Released in the summer of 1983 and housed within a typically eye-catching Atari cabinet, the game found modest success as a coin-op title and was adapted for numerous home platforms. Franz talks to us about being the person to establish the long-overdue display of creator credits in video arcade games, meeting avid arcade gamer Steven Spielberg during the development of Atari’s ill-fated Gremlins arcade game, and then quitting the company in a fit of pique following a dispute with management over proposed creator royalties.

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