Donkey Kong Restoration 5 FINAL

So here we were, the home run on the restore of this cabinet. In the first 4 parts, you saw the cab in a tatty state. Gradually, we’ve seen the cab take shape as new parts have been added. I now needed one last push to get this completed. The last part that needed work…

Donkey Kong Restoration 4

So in Parts 1, 2 and 3, you will have followed my journey so far in restoring this beat up Donkey Kong cab. I felt I was in the home straight now – it was time for some artwork to be applied to the sides of the cab. This part scared me to death, because…

Donkey Kong Restoration 3

I started to think about what else I’d need to get these cabs into shape. There was more drama when a coin door arrived from the USA with several parts missing. Major props are due to the nice folk at USPS Colorado for throwing my package around some sorting depot in Denver and losing all…

Donkey Kong Restoration 2

So my generic Nintendo cabinets were ordered. These cabs had quite a journey. They’d been shipped over to Germany in a container, and then by road across the Continent and by ferry over The English Channel, and finally to my house here in England. A week after placing the order, a grubby looking Polish bloke…

Donkey Kong Restoration 1

I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like to build arcade cabinets from the ground up on a factory production line back in the early 1980s. Rumour has it that those employed by Atari in California to hand build the classic cabs we know and love, were largely low-paid, permanently stoned hippies and Mexicans (am…