Free Play Florida: 2019 Review

November 2019 saw the Free Play Florida arcade event in Orlando come around once more. The fact that I fly across the Atlantic each year to make it part of my arcade calendar each year should tell you that I really enjoy this event – it doesn’t take itself too seriously and genuinely aims to…

Classic Arcade News Feed: July 2019

Classic Arcade news time again here on the blog. This month, I’ve pulled out a bunch of interesting videos that I thought were worth sharing. First up, classic arcade gaming Centipede will be 40 years old very soon, and has been re-mastered once more for the arcades. Announced this month, Centipede Chaos, can see up to…

Free Gold Watch: San Francisco’s Pinball Emporium

A few weeks back I reported on my trip to Arcade Expo 5.0 in Banning, California. I was actually there on vacation for a full week, so decided to drive up the coast from LA and check out San Francisco once the Expo’s festivities were over. I had no real plan in San Francisco, other…

Classic Arcade News Feed: May 2019

Here’s a summary for you of the latest arcade-related news! This month, I thought I’d mix things up a bit and pull together bunch of videos detailing what’s new relating to the hobby. Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Paul Johnson is a 2D animator with a penchant for…

Arcade Expo 5.0, Banning, CA

Well I’m back from my travels. I had a great week in California this year and was fortunate enough to take in lots of classic arcade sights and sounds along the way. I had a few plans in place to visit friends and a few tourist spots, but I timed my trip to coincide with…

Free Play Florida: 2018 Review

Sharp-eyed visitors to Arcade Blogger will know that Free Play Florida is a regular haunt of mine each year. I’m fortunate enough to get some time away on an annual basis, and like to make a stop at Orlando during my November trip, to take part in this great event. Free Play hosts well in…

The Pinball Hall of Fame, Las Vegas

Sin City. Located some 270 miles north-east of Los Angeles, Las Vegas from the outside in never really struck me as a city I ever wanted to visit. I have a couple of friends who swear by the place, and go annually for a full two-week vacation. They’ve sung its praises for years, and so…

Arcade Holy Grail: The Pinball Circus

In terms of their design and construction build, pinball machines have fundamentally remained the same throughout the years. I’m guessing that if you picture the phrase ‘pinball machine’ in your mind, we all create the same basic image. There’s been advances over the years of course – the most fundamental being the appearance of electronic…

Sunshine Laundromat, Brooklyn, NYC

OK bear with me. I know what you’re thinking. “A laundromat? On Arcade Blogger?” Yes. A laundromat. This peculiarity is located on America’s Eastern Seaboard. Wander down Manhattan Avenue, in Brooklyn NY, and you’ll see a typical urban scene. Shops, cars, apartment building and a sidewalk. Stop at number 800, and you’ll find a laundromat…

EAG Trade Show: January 2018

Hopefully by now you will have worked out that this blog is all about classic arcade gaming. I tend to write about games released during the ‘Golden Age’ – loosely speaking, this is the period from 1979 to 1984. The arcade industry has changed since then beyond all recognition. So assuming you can find an…